Saturday, July 25, 2009

When I retire to Maine to write my memoirs

"I am the Author of certain memoirs"

The secret to writing your memoirs is that you don't ever have to actually write your memoirs. If you come up with some good titles you are 99% there. You can make yourself sound really distinguished with the proper title...

I Figured Out Where Jesus Was Hiding: The Alex Daboub Story

Don't Forget to Floss: The Alex Daboub Story

I didn't know I had a Cousin: The Alex Daboub Story

You see what I mean?: The Alex Daboub Story

You see what I mean? You can write anything. It has weight when it's memoirs.

Under the Volcano --- Again I watched this. This time because I'm so far from Mexico and I miss the little guy. Good movie; drinking yourself to death never looked so good.


Me said...
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Me said...

Another Jew, Another Nice Car. The Alex Daboub Story.

Anonymous said...

same jew, new problems: the alex daboub story.

Anonymous said...

or new jew, same problems: the alex daboub story.

James M. said...

What's inside the piggy bank? The Alex Daboub Story.