Sunday, January 18, 2009

Old Jews

"Whatever it is, I'm against it" ---Groucho Marx

I haven't been writing to you much lately, bloggy, and I am sorry. I am battling with dark forces that threaten to kill us all. Greg crashed his car tonight, so I am going to open Vulcan tomorrow morning. I hope I remember the alarm code, or I am definitely going to jail. We shall see... If I could wake up tomorrow as a 65 year old crotchety Jew-man, I would do it in a second. (As long as I would get to play golf with my old Jew friends, and have some money to throw around at the beach-club.)

Watched a lot:

"Baby Doll"---Elia Kazan movie written by Tennessee Williams. Good, sort of grossly over-sexual, but good anyway.

"The Wrestler--- I liked it! Shock! Came close a couple of times to being heavy-handed, but never went over the edge.

"My Bloody Valentine 3-D"-- What the fuck do you think? Loud noises and digital blood aren't scary or cool, 3-D is... But not for 2 hours. I had a head and stomach ache after this movie.

"Time Crimes--Los Cronocrimenes"--- I don't care what anyone else says, this movie sucks, and I hated it. I w
anted it to end so bad. It was just confusing for no reason, and it's take on time-travel somehow makes the idea seem boring and tedious. Time travel=boring? Good job.

"Make 'Em Laugh"--- PBS thing about the history of comedy. Good at times, but then they interview Jeff Foxworthy about "Roseanne," and I barf. Just tell me about the funny Jews and chiiiiiill shorty. You know they're the only funny ones anyway. Don't fuck around PBS, get it together.

"Hoop Dreams"--- Good and depressing.

"Horse Feathers"--- Fucking Amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!! I hate exclamation marks, but that's how good this movie is. Destroys everything on earth.


Me said...

because now you are a 63-year-old crochety Jewman?

teeney said...

Did Time Crimes make time travel more boring than Primer did? Because I like time travel, and I didn't like Primer,and I like watching movies in French.

teeney said...

Primer was just maybe the slowest movie ever. Like 2046 without the colors or music or pretty ladies or sex.

Me said...

ball drop