--- El Duce, from The Runnin' Kind
There's an unusually large number of cults and weird UFO worshipers up here in this neck of the woods. Just an observation we've made.
The Runnin' Kind --- Another LA punk rock movie. This one's about a guy who is a yuppie college student in Akron, Ohio who meets a punk chick and moves to LA. These movies always remind me of how weird and cool LA can be. The best part is when El Duce makes a cameo appearance as a drunk guy at a sleazy punk party. The main guy turns out to be such a homo non-punk that it's pretty hilarious. He is supposedly hanging out with the grimiest punks in LA, but he's all worried about his mommy seeing him with a mohawk or something. Then he gayly decides he wants his friend to take his picture so he can "remember this night forever."
Beverly Hills 90210 --- My friend Andrew has every episode on some bookleg discs he got from the internet gods. Did you know that if you buy the official DVD release of this, they took all of the original music out and replaced it with modern day lame-ass Nelly and bullshit like that? Like they thought modern audiences couldn't hang with listening to 90's music. That's the whole point of the show is to immerse yourself in the culture of being an early 90's high-school student and burying your face in the bossom of Brenda Walsh. So as far as I can tell, you have to get behind Steve Sanders early on.

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