EL DUCE: Well, I'll tell ya. A bunch of illiterate children. Children without a father.
Shows here in Seattle all start at 8 PM and they cost between 12 and 15 dollars, at least. It's fucked. It's symptomatic of how people here are pussies in some ways. Also they are a bunch of highly educated white people who feel so guilty all of the time that their whole lives consist of worshiping: gays, rap-music, stupid fucking graffiti "art", liberated female sexuality, and they let their children be their bosses. This place is turning me into a reactionary NRA member. I mean 2 of that list of things are pretty good, but when you get a bunch of sQuares with Subarus together to watch some ugly girls do Cabaret, it can get bleak.
Ninth Configuration --- Fuck it. I can't explain. Not good but has biker scene at end. If you have to watch any of this, make it the end.
Beverly Hills 90210 Andrea Zuckerman is growing on me. Brandon is a total fag (which means straight). Dylan reads Lord Byron and is a surfing hard-ass. Brenda did stand-up comedy, it was DUMB.
Can Hieronymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness? --- Oh man, what a piece of crud. This is one of the worst things ever. Total 60's self-indulgent madness from one of the most most unlikeable people I have EVER seen on a screen of any kind ever. I was warned that this was bad, but I had no idea. Highlights: Milton Berle dressed in red robes holding a headless sacrificial chicken.
Caged Heat --- Best thing that the hack Jonathan Demme ever did. Probably one of the most canonical of the "women in prison" movies. Less boobs and girl-fighting than one would expect. Not bad.

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