I haven't been writing to you much lately, bloggy, and I am sorry. I am battling with dark forces that threaten to kill us all. Greg crashed his car tonight, so I am going to open Vulcan tomorrow morning. I hope I remember the alarm code, or I am definitely going to jail. We shall see... If I could wake up tomorrow as a 65 year old crotchety Jew-man, I would do it in a second. (As long as I would get to play golf with my old Jew friends, and have some money to throw around at the beach-club.)
Watched a lot:
"Baby Doll"---Elia Kazan movie written by Tennessee Williams. Good, sort of grossly over-sexual, but good anyway.
"The Wrestler--- I liked it! Shock! Came close a couple of times to being heavy-handed, but never went over the edge.
"My Bloody Valentine 3-D"-- What the fuck do you think? Loud noises and digital blood aren't scary or cool, 3-D is... But not for 2 hours. I had a head and stomach ache after this movie.
"Time Crimes--Los Cronocrimenes"--- I don't care what anyone else says, this movie sucks, and I hated it. I wanted it to end so bad. It was just confusing for no reason, and it's take on time-travel somehow makes the idea seem boring and tedious. Time travel=boring? Good job.
"Make 'Em Laugh"--- PBS thing about the history of comedy. Good at times, but then they interview Jeff Foxworthy about "Roseanne," and I barf. Just tell me about the funny Jews and chiiiiiill shorty. You know they're the only funny ones anyway. Don't fuck around PBS, get it together.
"Hoop Dreams"--- Good and depressing.
"Horse Feathers"--- Fucking Amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!! I hate exclamation marks, but that's how good this movie is. Destroys everything on earth.