'I, poor man, lost in this conflux of infinitudes and vortex of the world, what can become of me, my God? For dark, ah dark, is this void into which from solid ground I am now plunged a million fathoms deep, the sport of all the whirlwinds: and it were better for me to have died with the dead, and never to have seen the wrath and turbulence of the Ineffable, nor to have heard the thrilling bleakness of the winds of Eternity, when they pine, and long, and whimper, and when they vociferate and blaspheme, despair and die, which ear of man should never hear. For they mean to eat me up, I know, these Titanic darknesses: and soon like a whiff I shall pass away, and leave the world to them." ---M.P. Shiel- The Purple Cloud
I am still here in Dallas working on the movie. I usually work in the camera dept., but on this I am doing sound. I am a boom operator.

Like this guy.
I like trying to catch inanimate things making sounds by sticking the mic up to them from far away.
I found out today that potato salad produces from very little to no sound at all.
1 comment:
you are a scholar.
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