I saw Knowing last night, and it destroyed my mind. Oh my god, I wasn't ready for that movie at all. I didn't know the original screenplay was written by Richard Kelly (Donnie Darko, Southland Tales). I'm glad I didn't because then I would have expected that kind of laughable, over the top Quality he always manages to (accidentally?) capture. I mean, this movie has 100% bad acting and dialogue, and it hits you over the head with every single thing it tries to do, but I always have to respect movies that allow themselves to play out an idea to its absolute, beyond furthest outer-space logical limit. I kept thinking, OK this is a Hollywood movie, they will reign it in at the last minute and tidy it all up, and then blammmo! it shoots into infinity with 500,000 naked lady Eskimos holding hands vanishing into the distance. Ya know? It was genuinely scary at times, genuinely disturbing and brutal at times, laughably gay a lot, then pretty fucking amazing a bit too. I like it in a movie where it is almost over, and I'm still like, "what the fuck is going on?!" and "how are they going to explain all of these scary white-hair zombie/men in black suits?"

Dark City
Alex Proyas, who adapted the screenplay and directed Knowing, also wrote and directed Dark City, which features similar silently creeping, black clothed white men. All the way through the movie they are just there, having nothing to do with anything, and you have no idea why until the very end. Jennifer Connelly is pretty. There is a lot of other stuff going on in Knowing too, like a possible Mormon/white supremacy sub-text and a lot of crazy fire. I think the message of the movie was that we should give up and repopulate other planets with New Pure White Aryan babies, and that sex-education should only consist of pairing up 10 year old boys and girls and then giving them each white rabbits who will demonstrate how the sex works. WHAT?
I feel like REALLY annoyingly nerdy sci-fi fans will love this movie way too much, and reasonable sci-fi fans (me) will think that it's appropriately mind-blowing and ludicrous , and if there is still Weird Wednesday in 30 years, I hope they will show it there.
Lethal Weapon 2---I've decided to watch as many movies as I can in the genre I am calling CopRace Movies. These are buddy-cop movies where the 2 "buddies" are an interracial couple. It all started when I rented 48 Hours a few weeks ago, and then Hannah had an idea to have a Black Cop/ White Cop film series. So anyway, Lethal Weapon 2, right? It was as one would hope it to be. The best part is when Riggs (that cunt Mel Gibson)has brought the South African secretary back to his house to show us her boobs. When he takes of his trademark letter-jacket, it is revealed that he is wearing a perfect Seinfeld outfit complete with haircut. If you sQuint your eyes in that scene, you can literally believe it is Jerry Seinfeld acting in Lethal Weapon 2. They dress IDENTICALLY. It's the funnnnnnnest thing you can doooooooooooo.
Only difference between Mel Gibson and Jerry Seinfeld: belts.

1 comment:
good observation.
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