I suddenly remembered the other day that my entire childhood was spent eating this cereal called "Product 19."

I guess when you're a kid, the names of some things aren't really words in the sense we mean now, they're just sounds put together. You don't really stop to think as a kid what banana the actual word means, and you don't wonder what product 19 means either. It was just a mush in my head like "pradanynteen." That's how I regarded it as a word.
Then a few years ago, i was like "product 19?!" what kind of insane 1984 science experiment name is that? Scientists in white lab coats around chemical vials and a sterile container of cereal neatly labeled "product 19."
Scientist 1: "Jim, what is it?"
scientist 2 "We're not sure... a comet landed in a farmer's field, and three days later he found this stuff."
Scientist 1: "that would be funny if we sold it as cereal."
Scientist 2: "fuck you."
The other possibility is that capitalists have huge factories where they just churn out endless "products" of all kinds, and this one cereal just happens to be Product 19. So product 20 is like a chair, and product 18 is cunt rags. sorry.
Well, anyway when I told Greg about it, he said it sounded like what we will eat in the dystopian future after all the Mad Max shit goes down.
"Unzipped"---1995 documentary about Isaac Mizrahi coming out with a new collection of clothes? or however you say that. This is about the fashion industry which I care less about than a Gaultier seQuined turd, but I thought it might be interesting anyway...plus models or something. People in fashion strike me as sort of the worst people in the world. It's missing the point to just say that they are shallow, it goes way beyond that. Anyway, it's not a bad documentary, and I enjoyed it. Mizrahi comes off as not a bad guy actually, although like everyone else in the fashion world, he is a fucking parody of what you think of as a guy in the fashion industry, i.e. Quoting iconic gay movies all the time, pretending to be a diva, using lame catch phrases with his super ass-kissy, parroting assistants, and being self-absorbed. Does anyone actually care about Isaac Mizrahi anymore? I have no idea. I don't follow this shit.
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