Sunday, October 12, 2008



People are killing each other in the streets trying to get DVD's of the Wire season 5. I completely just made that up, but have you seen the look in the eyes of these Wire fans when you mention that show? A lot of people are really into this idea that TV isn't really TV if you are watching it on a DVD. I'm calling bullshit. I was one of these people. I have seen the light. If you watch enough of any soap opera(Lost, Six Feet Under, 24) it sucks you in, and at that point you no longer have any critical perspective on that show. You turn into a formless mass, and you will watch every episode forever until there aren't any more. I know from experience, OK? I feel like we're being lazy, and we should watch movies because they are almost always better than watching 500 episodes of Sex and the City. Can we not delude oourselves by saying that we are in a "GOlden Age of TV?" I'm done with my bombast, and I Love You, love face.

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