--Lenny Bruce
what the fuck is going on with these girl shirts? i have a shirt meant for a lady and it buttons backwards. what is the point of this? is it just to create an arbitrary distinction to make a bunch of faggots more comfortable? like, "i can't wear that shirt, it's lady shirt. aha, here's a good old-fashioned man shirt, thank jesus." or is there a biological reason for it? ladies little lady fingers work backwards from a man's or something? does anyone know? it's hard to button. i have big dumb-man fingers that are used for strangling my enemies to death and throwing the ole' football around with the bros. you know, regular daboub-ish shit.
alexei illiovitch
"Great Expectations---(the 1946 one by David Lean, what the fuck you think?) David Lean can't do wrong by me so far. My lord, this is so good that it is basically the Platonic form of film. Alex Guinness plays Herbert Pocket, and he's probably my favorite actor of all time. The movie is so flawless and classic that it lulls you into this trance, and eventually you aren't even watching a movie anymore as much as you are floating down a river of inevitability. This might not make any sense, but it's the only way I can describe it. The movie is your life, and when it is over you are in outer space, outside of the universe and you have seen all of time because you are now the godhead. Deal with it pussies."

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Naval Langa
why are you wearing ladies' shirts? is it your going out shirt?
Wow, I'm really glad you brought this whole backwards lady buttons on lady shirts thing, Alex, because I finally have an excuse to get pedantic about this subject. See, I did some research on this back in my 20s, back when I was still curious about stuff like why lady shirts have backwards lady buttons, back before the drudgery of working at Vulcan crushed my soul and extinguished my formerly inquisitive nature forever. God I used to have such an inquisitive mind, filling my days with reading, researching and thinking about lady buttons and the like. Nowadays all I use it for is to determine if Vulcan needs 4 or 5 copies of the latest strutting cockney gangster-filled Guy Ritchie abomination to meet the demand of our burgeoning fratboy customer base. But maybe I didn't do research on the lady button conundrum. Maybe I just read a thing about it once. Maybe I just saw a thing on tv. I can't remember. Anyway, lady buttons are backward because wealthy ladies always had someone else - a servant, a maid or a live-in ethnic person - to dress them. So why did the entire lady shirt industry base lady shirt construction on a bunch of rich bitches too good to button their own damn lady shirts? Who the hell knows. Maybe prior to the 20th century only the wealthy could afford lady shirts and the rest of the unwashed female masses had no lady shirts and instead ran around in lady button-less burlap mumu dresses or something.
ps: I still can't remember my google username or password. I hate google blogs.
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