---Harvey Milk
Went to see "Milk" tonight with Greg and Hannah. I was talking about how maybe it was time to put Gus Van Sant back on the directors wall at Vulcan, and Greg siad he had been thinking the exact same thing ever since we saw "Paranoid Park." We have both been spending sleepless nights tossing and turning over whether he has redeemed himself enough yet to overcome "Goodwill Hunting." It's good to know that the Vulcan Hive-Mind is still ruling our lives. Greg has more say as to who goes on the Director's Wall, and he was the one who violently tore him down from there after the appalling trio of "Psycho"(remake), "Goodwill Hunting", and "Finding Forrester." After seeing his last few movies though, Gus's tearful reQuests to be returned might be answered.
"Milk"--- Yeah, pretty good. Sort of heavy-handed with the emotional god-damned music. I hate really typical soundtrack music that tells you when something triumphant is happening. The swelling violins and clashing cymbals and all of that nonsense. Poop, sir. It was really good in most other ways though. Glad I saw it. It was pretty true to the story. I want to see "The Times of Harvey Milk" next to round it out.

yes i vote to put van sant on the director's wall. the slumming trio is bad but he's already made 4 movies since then that i love (gerry, elephant, last days, paranoid park). i still haven't seen milk as i have an aversion to biopics. i guess i should though, right?
matt damon is so annoying
this is true, which is why the end of gerry is so awesome.
without the music i can't tell where to cry
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