I would like to take a moment to point out that Steve Martin isn't actually the devil. He's a close, personal friend of mine.
"Pickman's Model" Short film by Cathy Welch on HP Lovecraft Collection Vol. 4--- This Vulcan customer Cathy Welch, who has been coming in forever and works as a film professor at ACC, shot a film based on "Pickman's Model" in 1981. We started talking about Mr. Lovecraft and she shoed me the movie on the shelf. Well, I'll be damned. I brought it home, and it's good! It was her thesis film for UT. HP Lovecraft is notoriously hard to adapt to film because a lot of the "horror" occurs as a narrative in the characters' minds. This version was really charming and good, though, and obviously done by a fan of the man himself. Why don't I just stop pretending and have an HP Lovecraft blog?

have you seen in the mouth of madness? i know it's not exactly an adaptation, but the main character is a composite of HPL and stephen king, and the meta-premise seems lovecraftian. i haven't seen it, though i plan to soon. i recently saw john carpenter's the thing and it reminded me vaguely of at the mountains of madness. i think anything set in antarctica is going to remind of that from now on. probably that herzog documentary would have if i'd read ATMOM then.
i've seen parts of it. it's pretty good, more King than Lovecraft though. It is a bit Lovecraftian, I guess. New Herzog documentary was goooood, son.
p.s. do you remember Cathy Welch?
i liked the herzog documentary quite a bit but i kind of wish it had been more lessons of darkness-streamlined-style this-place-looks-like-another-planet and less vernon-florida-style array-of-idiosyncrats, interesting though they were. the aberrant suicidal penguin was worth the price of admission by itself however.
i do remember the name cathy welch but i can't place the face. i suspect she was likely an older lady who i found attractive. am i right?
p.s. alex have you eaten a penguin yet?
i don't want to expound on the attractiveness of Cathy Welch. She reminds me of my mom in a way. I haven't yet eaten a penguin. That moment in Encounters... with the penguin is so weird and Herzog-ish that I almost don't believe it's real. It's too perfect.
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