Is it me or do black guys now officially love money more than the Jews? Doesn't this mean that blacks are the new Jews? Yes:
Black People Are The New Jews.

Shalom, my good man.
"La Fille Coupee en Deux - Girl Cut in Half"--- New movie by Claude Chabrol Greg and I saw at the Dobie tonight. Jesus Christ, this was the most French movie I have ever seen. Maybe the most French thing in general I have ever seen. This movie is Frencher than an old man with a big mustache and white hair eating a croissant on a train. It was too French, I guess. I don't dislike the French necessarily, but they do creep me out. They are always kissing and hitting on each other and their language sort of grosses me out. I have a real love/hate relationship with them. They seem so right on about so many things, but at the same time excessive Frenchness is one of the most annoying things in the world. From what I can tell, every French old man gets to have a young lover. It's not even considered an affair, really. It's just something that happens. Anyway, the movie was sort of gross and boring. Just a bunch of different people hitting on this blonde girl and implied sexual depravities. It shared what I dislike about some modern day Woody Allen movies, as well. I feel that, like Woody Allen, Claude Chabrol has probably spend the last 20 or 30 years very rich and surrounded by nothing but wealth and rich people talking to him about culture and art and so forth. That's OK, but it turns up in his movies in this really boring "old people sitting around drinking wine and talking about Art" way that I don't like. It seems a lot like pointless wanking. There were like 5 scenes in this movie where people were just talking about wine in this needless way. Anyway, it was interesting in its Frenchness, but pretty boring otherwise. Thank you and goodnight.
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