---Browning (Yeats?)
Sir Mix a Lot is from Seattle:

Motherfucker uses the Space Needle as his microphone. What a hard-ass. I had this tape when I was in junior high, so everything has finally come full-circle.
AC/DC: Let There be Rock --- I'm not a huge fan of this band, but when their singer was still Bon Scott they were hilariously the most rock and roll entity that has ever existed. The man is a big drunk Australian hick with a denim vest. The extent of his song writing is to either compare himself to electricity or explosives and then tell you how hard you are about to rock.

Good Sir,
That line is from Robert Browning's drama Pippa Passes, which Yeats (A Vision) reduplicates for the edification of the All the Initiated Dudes (twenty-ex round house to tha face).
ever your lover,
i dont know if there is a ratt documentary, but they gave the best interviews that i found in my reserch
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