Sunday, December 14, 2008


I wanted to say that upon further reflection, I didn't like "Milk" as much as it seemed by what I said about it the other day. It was a little too feel-goodie and heavy handed than I can really get behind. It is true, however, that I can handle these 2 Qualities less that almost anyone I know in the world. That being said, my friend and I have decided that the movie reminded us of a slightly better version of "Blow." It was biopic, and all glossy and seventies and stuff. Plus "Milk" and "Blow" are practically the same title. I think I was just expecting more from the movie so I was disappointed, but when I wrote about it originally I was under the influence of the 2 people I had gone to see it with who really liked it. Anyway, just wanted to go on the record, you buncha Queers.


1 comment:

Me said...

thank you for tempering emotion with reason